Monday 16 February 2015

February 2015 Book Haul

I craved once again and bought me some very beautiful books this month; 18 in total to be precise. I furthermore received to books for review which leads me to 20 new fictional adventures in total that I'm dying to dive into. 

Here are the books that I bought:
- Dear Life by Alice Munro - an acclaimed Nobel Prize Winner that I'm very excited to get to know. 
- Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - I know next to nothing about this book, but I love diving into stories without knowing too much about them.  
- Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier - this is going to be my first book by Daphne du Maurier, and this book is also part of the BBC Top 100 Books list which I'm currently trying to complete. 
- North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell - I got this one in the beautiful English Library Edition. 
- Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad - I was very much surprised when I realized how short this book is; about 100 pages!
- Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks - I have already read and reviewed this book and you can read my review here
- The Master & Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov - a very popular book that a lot of people have recommended to me. I saw it in the bookstore and immediately knew it was coming home with me. 
- A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki - another book that I know next to nothing about, but Mercedes from MercysBookishMusings highly recommended it and I was sold. This one was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2013 which makes me furthermore excited. 
- Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell - another very highly acclaimed author which I've read nothing from. I own his The Bone Clocks; however, Cloud Atlas was published first and takes place in the same universe as The Bone Clocks, so I want to read them in order. 
- Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente - this is supposed to be a retelling of Russian folklore which makes me very excited!
- Among Others by Jo Walton - I heard about this adult, fantasy novel through paperbackcastles and I had to get it.  
- Ulysses by James Joyce - I wasn't planning on getting this book until I saw this BEAUTIFUL edition in the bookstore. Furthermore, it's part of the BBC Top 100 Books (do I need to say more?)
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens - I read half of this as a teenager; I need to read all of it as an adult. 
- Bleak House by Charles Dickens - I got this one in the most beautiful Penguin Clothbound Edition, and I must say this is my favourite of my clothbound collection so far. I have never read this one. 
- The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - this classic was mentioned multiple times in The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield and since then I've been wanting to read it. 
- The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - a beautiful beast of 1250 pages. I've been told this book takes you on quite an adventure. 
- Catch 22 by Joseph Heller - another classic that is part of the BBC Top 100 Books list and that I must read. 
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - this is actually going to be my first read by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and I got the most beautiful edition of this classic. 

Here are the books that I was sent for review:
- Perfect by Rachel Joyce - kindly sent by Lindhardt & Ringhof in exchange for an honest review which I did on my YouTube channel (which has now been deleted). I will try to rectify that and put up my review on this blog as well. 
- Nightblade by Garrett Robinson - a young adult fantasy novel about a girl who wants to be a thief. 

Let me know in the comments if you've read any of these books and can recommend some of them - I would love to know. 


  1. I'd love to read your review about "The Great Expectations" and "The Great Gatsby". Congratulations for the amazing blog!

    1. I'll try and remember to review those two on this blog - if not, I review every book I read on Goodreads :) Thank you so much - I hope this blog will work out and that I'll be able to figure out everything :P

  2. Aaaah,so many pretty books!Those Penguin Clothbound Editions are going to be the absolute death of me,all that beauty.

    1. Yes, I'm very much in love with the Penguin Clothbound Editions - I keep staring at them all day long! I'm glad you enjoyed this haul :)

  3. What a great selection of books! also, beautiful editions <3

    1. Thank you :) I'm very proud of every one of them, I must say!

  4. Uh, jeg har også Station Eleven stående på hylden og glæder mig til at læse den. :)

    1. Skønt! Jeg har hørt virkelig mange gode ting om den efterhånden, så jeg må snart få den læst :)

  5. Sikke mange spændende bøger! Jeg er især spændt på, hvad du synes om 'Deathless' og 'Catch 22'. Førstnævnte læste jeg for nylig (der kommer anmeldelse om et par dage - det var en interessant læseoplevelse), og sidstnævnte læste jeg sidste år, da jeg ligesom dig ville læse flere klassikere. 'Catch 22' var en ret sær fortælling, som jeg bøvlede noget med.

    Den lille Bogblog

    1. Ja, efter jeg har købt Catch-22 har jeg hørt det samme - at den kan være ret svær og forvirrende at komme ind i. Men jeg er klar til en udfordring :) Glæder mig til at læse din anmeldelse af Deathless - den vil jeg gerne snart læse selv.

  6. Fantastic lot! I’ve been meaning to get my hands on a copy of Rebecca for a long time. Also very intrigued by North and South and Dear Life. I just finished the Count of Monte Cristo and it was amazing, so much fun! The first 200 pages are arguably one of the finest pieces of literature I’ve ever read. Don’t be intimidated by its size. It took me two weeks to get through, and you are a much faster reader than me. A Tale for the Time Being is also pretty solid. I’m currently reading Lolita. Kind of disgusted by the main character, but the story is fascinating so far, and Nabokov is a brilliant writer. Have you read it?

    1. I'm so happy to hear that about The Count of Monte Cristo because the size does intimidate me a bit! I own Lolita and I plan on reading it next month - I'm very intrigued by the fact that it's a "forbidden book". I'm currently reading another short story collection by Alice Munro and it's absolutely amazing! She's a must-read if you haven't read anything by her yet :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Could you please tell me what's the edition of Joyce's Ulysses?)
