Saturday 14 February 2015

The Classics Book Tag

It's no secret that I love reading classics. In my opinion, there is something about diving into a fictional world which takes place several years ago - the mood is different, the story is intriguing and the overall impression is very enchanting. 

I was tagged by It's a Books World to do The Classics Book Tag; you can read her answers here 

1) An overhyped classic you didn't really like

I didn't care much for "War & Peace" by Leo Tolstoy which I read some years ago. I had the hardest time getting into the story and following the plot, and I felt like way too much of the book was consumed with war and strategy planning. 

2) Favourite time period to read about

I like reading stories taking place in the Victorian era just because I like the macabre. I always say that I love reading these kind of stories dealing with horror, but I would hate to actually be in one myself. 

3) Favourite fairy tale

Hands down Beauty & the Beast, preferably the Disney version. Like so many other book lovers, I was enchanted by Belle and her love for reading, and obviously my favourite scene in the movie is when the Beast reveals his library to Belle #bliss

4) What is the most embarrassing classic you haven't read?

I have two titles in mind: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald which I actually recently bought with the intention of reading it very soon. Also The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain - I actually saw that in a bookstore the other day in the beautiful Penguin English Library edition; still, I didn't buy it because I'm not sure I'll like it. 

5) Top 5 classics you would like to read soon

I own quite a lot of Penguin Clothbound Classics which I have still to read. At the top of my list are Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. 

6) Favourite modern book/series based on a classic

The only series I can think of right now is The Lunar Chronicles Series by Marissa Meyer - however, that one is by no means my favourite. 

7) Favourite movie version/tv-series based on a classic

I really like the tv adaption of Pride & Prejudice starring Colin Firth, although I have yet to finish that one. I equally love the movie edition of the same book, starring Keira Knightley. 

8) Worst classic to movie adaption

I actually haven't encountered any of those yet :)

9) Favourite edition(s) you would like to collect more classics from

I'm very much in love with the Penguin Clothbound Classic editions, even though they are quite fragile and you have to be careful with them while reading. As an alternative, I'm also very much in love with the Penguin Library Editions. 

10) An underhyped classic you'd recommend to everyone

I recently read and fell in love with Middlemarch by George Eliot. I think you can learn a lot from reading that one, and it takes you on a great fictional adventure. 

I tag everyone who would like to do this tag and who have any interest in classics. 

Let me know in the comments what some of your favourite classics are; I would love to get some recommendations <3 


  1. You MUST read 'The Great Gatsby'!I think you will also like 'Pride and prejudice'. c: I really want to read some of these as well,but I might just wait until summer,when I actually have enough time to dedicate to a book,since most of the classics I want to get to are rather long.

    1. I definitely will be reading The Great Gatsby very soon - especially because I'm going to a prom in May with a theme of The Great Gatsby :) Pride & Prejudice is waiting for me as well... Good luck with your classics during summer!

    2. Great Gatsby themed prom?Now that sounds quite heavenly!Thank you. c:

  2. You have reminded me that I need to finish reading Les Miserables! I finished book one of Les Mis and then got distracted by shorter books. I have the Clothbound edition too :)

    1. I hope you enjoyed the first part, though? This one is really intimidating me, but at the same time I've heard only excellent things about it :) And the clothbound edition is to die for!

  3. Drooling over your collection. I agree re: War and Peace. I didn’t hate it, but wasn’t the masterpiece I was expecting. My top 5 classics I would like to read soon:
    1. Moby Dick
    2. A Tale of Two Cities
    3. Rebecca
    4. Wuthering Heights
    5. The Complete Sherlock Holmes
